Presale Info
Presale Tokenomics
PreSale Tokens: 60,000 PreFL
PreSale Starts: 11th Oct, 12 PM GMT
PreSale Ends: 17th Oct, 12 PM GMT
PreSale Price: 0.5 Matic / PreFL Token
Listing Price: 0.75 Matic / FLEROVIUM Token
Liquidity Addition: 50 % of Raised Funds
Liquidity Addition Time - 17th Oct, 12:30 PM GMT
Pools Addition - 17th Oct, 2 PM GMT
The pools will be added after liquidity addition
Swap PreFL to FLEROVIUM Token Starts: 18th Oct, 3 PM GMT
All unsold Token: Burn at the end of PreSale
The limit for presale per wallet is 2000 PreFL
Last updated